Factoring company 4

This is shocking behaviour

We always acknowledge the originating introductory source in these circumstances and have done for you Ian and other brokers in the past

Brokers are the lifeblood of the market and provide an invaluable service and should be rewarded accordingly

factoring company 3

Thanks for your recent email and telephone conversation yesterday.

I can confirm that referrals from experienced  professional factoring brokers are vital to our business. We appreciate our commissions are your income.

If you referred a client to us and unfortunately the client left but decided to return within a short period of time we would definitely restart paying the commission due as  without you we would not have met the client in the first place

factoring company 2

I am so sorry to hear what has happened with another provider.

We work in partnership with our introducers and treat each and everyone of them as gold dust. Working as a team together gets the right solution for the prospect client and this is the aim in all of your introductions.

If a prospect business leaves and comes back, then the relationship will still be classed as an introduction from you. Its all about reviewing long term relationships!

factoring company 1

Not a good representation of the sector really is it.

‘I have always stated that an introduced client remains just that, for the life of the client, including any other directly associated business’.

Agreement to pay a specific introducer should follow that operating practice as without the introducer you would not have gained the benefit of the client in the 1st place. I have worked within the factoring industry at a senior level for 25 years, and this is how we have always operated’