Absolute Invoice Finance

Two weeks ago the domain name absoluteinvoicefinance.co.uk was registered to Nick McAvoy using the address of Cattles Invoice Finance in Yorkshire.

Is this to be the new company name if the sale of the factoring company ever goes through or have the Cattles management decided to prepare to jump ship in case the continued stalling proves terminal.

3 thoughts on “Absolute Invoice Finance”

  1. On the subject of domain names it seems that a company called Adwords Expert Ltd have recently registered both factoring-brokerservice.co.uk and invoicefinance-brokers.co.uk which are websites devoted to Cattles Invoice Finance.

    Interesting choice of misleading domain names promoting a company that is a finance provider and not a broker at all.

  2. In the light of the above I’ve been wondering whether I should register absoluteinvoicefinance-brokers.co.uk and use that for an Adwords campaign 🙂 .

  3. My apologies to all of the Cattles staff who are continually looking to this blog for information about what’s happening at their company but I haven’t had anything new to report recently.

    The last I heard was from a very senior source who said that “the take-over was imminent” but I know we’ve all heard that before

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