Yet more invoice finance awards rubbish

The following email has just been received from Acquisition International in connection with their prestigious awards:-

Dear Paul

As you may be aware we have been accepting votes for the 2013 M&A Awards, the winners of which are to be published in July. I am very pleased to inform you that we have received at least one vote for JPB Cashflow Services hence we would like to put JPB Cashflow Services forward as a possible winner.

First of all, congratulations to have reached this far, it is a big achievement to be identified by your peers and the market as a possible winner but with all nominees we do require permission from you. So if you’re happy to be considered, please do let me know by return email – just a simple ‘agreed to be considered’ will suffice.

Paul and JPB Cashflow Services do not exist as they are names that I made up a few years ago for anti spam purposes and the names plus associated email address must have been scraped off an obscure website yet the company has allegedly received at least one vote.

Regular readers will be aware that I consider the vast majority of these annual awards to be a complete farce with the winners generally being the company whether factoring company or broker with the largest number of staff available to vote for themselves. Whilst some may laugh it off as a harmless bit of fun I feel that it can give undeserved credibility with the general public not knowing any better.