Less than two months after the “Christmas Curry” episode I had a call from the Sales Director of one of the independent factoring companies who wanted to meet up for a chat. He suggested picking me up at The Belfry Hotel where I have a pre-arranged earlier meeting and taking me to lunch at a pub a couple of miles away.
A couple of hours after this was arranged I had a call from one of his colleagues to update me on some deals that he was handling for me and he happened to mention that he was on a train London bound. Wondering what he was doing on a train to London at a time in the late afternoon when he should be taking the train out of London back home I was told that he and the ops director were meeting someone from a well known insolvency practice and were taking him out to dinner that night at Gordon Ramsey’s restaurant.
I’m beginning to spot a pattern here 🙁
I had two telephone calls this morning from fellow factoring brokers who both mentioned that the independent factoring company mentioned above had invited them to a beano at the London Eye followed by dinner in a fashionable London restaurant afterwards.
Despite having provided them with far more clients than the other two put together it was the first that I had heard about this and if I were thin skinned I would start to wonder whether I suffered from body odour or a lack of social skills.
One of my favourite factoring companies contacted me yesterday to commiserate on my apparent ostracism by one of their competitors and asked if they could make up for it by inviting me to one of the England Australia one day internationals.
I accepted as it would have appeared rude and ungrateful to decline their kind offer and the fact that I am a huge cricket fan and Australia tickets are like gold dust had nothing to do with it 🙂