Who is Katharine Goodwin

I ask as she has two websites registered to her – invoicefinanceadvice.co.uk and cashflow-advice.co.uk but she hasn’t provided her address details to Nominet as she claims to be non trading. Luckily I have a friend at Nominet and have pointed out to him that this person may claim to be non trading but the websites tell a different story so all will be revealed in a couple of days.

My reason for asking is that this unscrupulous rogue has started a blog on her site but instead of writing her own blog entries like most people do she has just stolen mine word for word. See for yourself at invoicefinanceadvice.co.uk/factoring/blog_files/category-lender-news.html 

I wonder how much trust one can put in a broker who is happy to steal other people’s intellectual property and pass it off as their own.

I have my suspicions but all will be revealed shortly