It’s silly season otherwise known as annual awards time

Silly season is back again with annual awards being dished out to all and sundry. It seems that the same small handful of companies share the awards around each year with the exception of the NACFB award for factoring and invoice discounting which seems to be won by Bibby every year.

I’m sure this has nothing to do with the fact that they have a Bibby representative on the NACFB board. 🙂

The latest shortlist to be published is probably the daftest one yet as the Institute of Credit Management (ICM) in their infinite wisdom have accepted nominations from the following three companies for their Commercial Finance Provider of the Year award.

Market Invoice
Bank of Valletta
Touch Financial

Touch Financial is of course not a commercial finance provider at all but is a broking outfit with a hardworking self promotions department whilst the other two I guess were nominated by someone with a sense of humour.

The blurb accompanying the press release contained the following masterpiece

“The outstanding quality of entries received for these brand new awards was extremely high and a reflection of the great achievements made in the industry.

The glittering award ceremony will be held at the prestigious Hilton Park Lane Hotel in London, and will provide the winners of the first ever ICM British Credit Awards with exceptional recognition before some of the industry’s most influential people.”

Factoring awards – what a sham

I have just received an email stating that “As per our email two weeks ago we are pleased to write that we have received a nomination in your name in the Banking category of the 2012 Acquisition International M&A Awards.”

Normally one would be proud to be the recipient of such a nomination except that in this particular case the email was addresssed to a non existent person at a non existent company as it’s a spare email address that I have for anti spam purposes but which I’ve never actually used.

The email asks me to confirm that I’m happy to be shortlisted for this prestigious award so perhaps I should tell them that I am honoured and then ask you all to vote for me/him 🙂