Restaurants and eating out etc.

I haven’t added to the blog recently as there doesn’t seem to be much happening in the factoring world and I don’t wish to pad out the blog with boring rubbish about what factoring is or the difference between factoring and invoice discounting or other such banalities so I have just remained silent.

I was taken out to lunch today by one of my favourite factoring companies who reminded me that in the past I had taken gentle digs at them over their apparent poor treatment of me in the “entertainment stakes” but had omitted to mention that they had more than made up for it when the Chief Executive and four of his colleagues all came up to the Midlands to take me out for a rather nice dinner, arranging for a chauffeur driven limousine to pick me up in the process.

My comments were all very tongue in cheek but I must admit they surpassed themselves today by taking me out for lunch at San Giovanni a restaurant 15 minutes drive away from me that I had never even heard of, let alone eaten at before. Excellent food with quite a superb Pinot Grigio in a beautiful setting and needless to say good company (otherwise I would have politely declined the invitation.)

Perhaps if the factoring world continues to be quiet I should change this blog into a food review blog instead but in the meantime I can heartily recommend the wild mushroom risotto 🙂