Factoring and Google

Checking Google to see how the factoring brokers and companies are ranking is something that I guess most of us do regularly. Getting a high position whether organically or on the paid for ad section is only half of the battle as you also have to make the strapline appealing enough to make potential customers want to visit your website.

Looking at the various brokers and factoring companies jockeying for position this morning there were two PPC ads that stood out for different reasons.

Firstly Cashflowuk who claimed that they were a “UK factoring broker with over 60 years experience.” Although that may sound appealing to anyone who knows nothing about factoring it is both meaningless and irrelevant as it could mean that they have one person who has been in the business for 60 years or else they have 60 trainees none of whom have been in the business for long.

I would guess that I am possibly the longest in the tooth of all factoring personnel as I’ve been in the factoring business for about 40 years but how relevant is that as the business has changed so much that any knowledge of market conditions prior to the last five years is probably irrelevant anyway.

Still, neither Cashflowuk nor myself are anywhere close to factoringcompare.com who make the bold claim on their website that “You benefit from our 100 years plus experience.” I wonder if they had to close down for the duration of World War 1 whilst they went away to fight in the trenches. 🙂

The second PPC ad to catch my eye was that of Close Invoice Finance as their strapline was that they were the “2010 Credit Today Winner” This is another of those “shoot yourself in the foot” straplines” that amused me in a previous post as the first thing that anybody who takes these awards seriously would do is to look up who was the 2011 Credit Today winner and approach Hitachi Capital Invoice Finance instead.

The only other PPC ads that caught my eye were from Bibby plus Close’s second ad as they were both headed “Factoring Solutions.”  Thanks Guys

Whilst Bibby and Close have just used my company name in their headline the Factoring Solutions award for plagiarism goes to firstfactoruk.com whose website meta description uses the phrase “We know which factoring companies deliver”.  Hmmm I’m sure I’ve seen that strapline somewhere before 🙂

Whilst the above are nothing really more than amusing, the growth of the internet has seen a huge rise in misleading websites and once I have done a little more research I will post again about misleading websites including the “broker” who has a glowing testimonial from a satisfied client who according to Nominet actually owns the website in question – but that’s for another day