Fairfax Gerrard in Administration

Administrators were appointed to Fairfax Gerrard Holdings Ltd, Fairfax Gerrard International Ltd and Fairfax Gerrard Traders Ltd on 19th November.

This will undoubtedly affect all of their clients who may not be able to survive the sudden cessation of their trade finance facilities and may have difficulty in replacing them quickly due to the quirky nature of some of the finance company’s offerings.


Trade Finance UK

Fairfax Gerrard problems

It would seem that Fairfax Gerrard’s financial problems are likely to be terminal as the company have had a Winding Up petition served upon them. This is unfortunate to say the least for their trade finance clients as they will have had the rug pulled out from under them without any notice and many may find it a struggle to survive themselves.

I see from Companies house that Fairfax Gerrard Group Ltd and Fairfax Gerrard Trade Finance Ltd were formed in July this year so it looks like there are plans to set up again.



Close Invoice Finance shows up Bank of Scotland

By the purest of co-incidence we have been approached by a company who had a factoring facility with Close plus a trade finance facility with Fairfax Gerrard. It would seem that the trade finance company have cash flow problems of their own and their inability to continue to provide trade finance has put a lot of financial pressure on the company. Judging by other telephone calls that we have received this company is not the only one suffering due to their relationship with Fairfax.

We put it to the company that whilst we could possibly source a replacement trade finance facility they would also want the factoring too as that would be their security and were told that this had already been discussed with Close who would reluctantly release the company from it’s factoring facility as it would be in the best interests of the company.

It’s good to see that in this day and age there are still companies that will “do the right thing” so plaudits to Close Invoice Finance who have shown up Bank of Scotland for the greedy concern that they are.



