Factoring Blog review of the first half of 2009

When reviewing the first half of 2009 I started by looking back at comments I made at the beginning of the year in connection with my expectations for the factoring market as well as general comments.

My comment that “I guess that with the banks’ reluctance to lend money and the general state of the economy it is only to be expected that enquiries for factoring and invoice discounting would be running at high levels in 2009” proved to be miles out and whilst Factoring Solutions did receive a record number of enquiries in January, that didn’t last long and the enquiry levels drifted downwards to it’s current very poor level.

It would seem that rather than using the banks’ reluctance to lend as a reason for turning to factoring and invoice discounting the SME sector has decided that in these uncertain times they don’t want to commit themselves to a factoring agreement with it’s associated costs if the opportunities for expansion won’t be there.

Talking to other brokers it would seem that most are fairly quiet with the exception of those owned and operated by insolvency practitioners who are busy with pre packs of existing factoring clients that have failed or other companies that need factoring to provide working capital for the restart.

The only other sector of the broking community that has done well in the first six months of the year are those that have built up strong relationships with the bank owned factors by dint of introducing companies to their own bank in return for a fat fee. Now that the banks have decided to move the goalposts they have found themselves with a large number of clients that no longer fit their new criteria and those clients who find themselves surplus to requirements have been handed over to the banks’ pet brokers to find them new homes.

Highly lucrative work if you are of that mindset but here at Factoring Solutions we run an ethical broking service where the needs of the customer are paramount.

If the ABFA stats are to be believed (and I have my doubts on that score) the figures for the next quarter will be interesting as the number of clients will have gone down again as more and more fall by the wayside.

It would seem that those factoring companies that were a little choosier in the past are the ones that are suffering least at the moment as whilst their books are still contracting the rate is much slower than average. It is the factoring companies that used to operate on the basis of “If it moves sign it up and if it doesn’t move still sign it up” that are suffering more at the moment with much larger numbers of client failures with their consequential impact on staff time as well as bad debts.

Most factoring companies are now looking much closer at new business propositions with such things as single debtor deals much more difficult to place and those with concentration problems also being studied more carefully too.



What is the point in using a factoring broker ?

I naively thought that the idea of using a factoring broker was so that companies could capitalise on the expertise of the broker in order to ensure that they got the best deal possible.

Earlier in the week I had a call from a company that had an unhappy relationship with his factoring company and wished to be extricated as soon as possible and placed with a factor that actually lived up to their promises.

Not a problem for us as “We know which factors perform” is our catchphrase so as requested we told the prospect that we would arrange for two of the better factoring companies to contact him so that he could decide for himself which suited him best and we told him who we intended to bring to the party so that he could expect calls from them.

The following day factor 1 reported back to me saying that one of his colleagues had already received the enquiry from another (unnamed) broker and had just been approached by yet another (this time named) broker with the same deal which he rejected saying that he was already dealing with the enquiry.

The second factoring company reported today that they were well down the road with the prospect but had today received the enquiry from yet another broker and when I asked him whether or not it happened to be Mr Named Broker he confirmed that it was.

The prospect obviously thinks that the way to get the best deal for himself is to approach several brokers whereas in reality the opposite is true. We listened to what the prospect had to say and told him to expect calls from the two factoring companies that we thought most suitable whilst the third broker that they approached was punting the enquiry round the market trying to find someone that didn’t have the enquiry already in order that they could earn something from the deal. Not sure about the first / second broker though.

I’m not quite sure what the moral of the story is so I’ll think of one later