We were approached last week by a company who had only been factoring with Close Invoice Finance for two or three weeks but had already run into serious problems and wanted us to find them an alternative factoring company.
The company that we introduced realising the urgency of the situation did their fact finding visit straight away and discovered that there had been breaches of the factoring agreement but sensing that the underlying business was sound they decided to put the deal forward for approval by the credit commitee which was due to meet on Monday 30th March in order to approve the offer of a facility.
Unfortunately Close couldn’t wait one working day and appointed an Administrator on Friday 27th March. It’s quite a sad state of affairs as we thought that the business was salvageable but no doubt by the time the factoring company has charged a load of extra fees and the Administrator has had his whack there won’t be anything left for anyone.
This isn’t the first story that we’ve heard about the ultra hard line being taken by this particular factoring company since the new MD took over and whereas once upon a time they used to have a fine reputation for service they are no longer on our approved list and haven’t been for some time.